Weather report
paragliding in Millau
To help you form your own opinion on the weather forecast, we have compiled a list of very useful meteorological SITES and weather BEACONS for paragliding in Millau.
1- We must begin the analysis by reading several maps on a European scale : to see the different air masses (anticyclone, depression, warm fronts and cold fronts).
2- Then, we continue the analysis at the country level with isobars and cloud cover.
At this stage, we begin to know the trend of the day.
3- But to confirm the analysis, we look at the local sites .
If the wind is expected to pick up "especially by south, south-east wind" in Millau: It is better not to take off, because the wind can come suddenly (you can have a 15km/h and ten minutes after more than 35 km/h more turbulent because of the gorges of the dourbie.
"There are no good pilots , only old pilots "
“It is better to regret being on the ground than to regret being in the air ”
Good analysis and good flight!
Weather websites
Weather Europe - ACTION CENTERS
Weather WIND